Trails, Tracks, Roads and Rivers

February 1st. I started this trek one month ago today.
So far, my modes of transportation have included: hiking on trails and along roads, hitchhiking, bicycle, Greyhound bus, Amtrak train, rental car, canoe in a Louisiana swamp, water taxi, fan boat in the Everglades, paddlewheel on the Mississippi, a sailboat out of Key West, and flights from Las Vegas to Houston and New Orleans to Orlando.
Accommodations have included: camping, hostel, couch surfing, sleeping in rental car, cheap hotels and Hiltons.
Enjoyed it all, but I have a definite preference for hiking on trails and camping. Waking up today in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Heading south today on Hwy 82 to Centreville, then into the Talladega National Forest. Looking forward to a couple nights under the stars.