Welcome to the Canyons & Crags Community

Join the Premier Community for Canyoneering, Rappelling and Climbing Mastery

Become a member today and be part of the driving force behind Rich’s creativity; empowering the production of exceptional videos, podcasts, and invaluable instructional resources.

Unlock access to these benefits:

Exclusive Knowledge Base

  • Access a meticulously curated collection of learning materials by experts Rich Carlson and Adolfo Isassi.

Live Tech Talks

  • Gain invaluable insights from our experts’ decades of experience through our live discussion sessions.

Personalized Coaching

  • Go from just ‘trained’ to become truly competent and self-reliant with one-on-one coaching tailored to your needs.

Vibrant Community

  • Connect with your fellow adventurers, share experiences, and learn together in a supportive community.

Unlock the doors to amazing adventures 
you’ve always dreamed of ...

Imagine standing at the edge of a breathtaking canyon, heart pounding with excitement, not fear. Picture yourself confidently leading your crew through rugged terrain, knowing you’ve got the skills to keep everyone safe.

… And imagine how great it would feel to finally have the skills and confidence to explore that one place you’ve always dreamed of — the hidden gem that only ‘real experts’ dare to explore.

I’m Rich Carlson, founder of Canyon & Crags. For more than 30 years, I’ve been helping people like you to become truly competent and self-reliant adventurers. Often referred to as the “Father of American Technical Canyoneering”, but perhaps with this gray hair grandfather may be more appropriate.

You can find many of my teachings online on YouTube and on my Canyoneering Karma podcast. But if you want more than just basic skills … and you want to have direct access to me and other experts we have here, then this membership is for you. 

Our community is your roadmap to mastery. You’ll get insider knowledge, hands-on training, and the support of like-minded adventurers. It’s time to turn your dreams into reality. Are you ready?

I’ll see you inside.

Rich Carlson

Inside Canyons & Crags Community

Unlimited Access to the Knowledge Base

Dive into our treasure trove of ropework knowledge. Curated by canyoneering experts Rich Carlson and Adolfo Isassi, our online library is jam-packed with helpful tips, techniques, and valuable insights. Search, learn, and level up your skills.

Learn from the Best with Live Tech Talks

Go beyond the basics with Rich Carlson’s Live Tech Talks. Get direct access to decades of real-world experience through interactive sessions. Discover new perspectives, hear captivating stories, and gain the knowledge to expand your skills beyond the basics.

Fast-Track Your Skill Development with Personal Coaching

Ready to take your canyoneering to the next level? Our personalized coaching will help you unlock your full potential. Benefit from expert guidance, tailored advice, and hands-on training. We’ll help you build not just technical skills, but a lifelong passion for the outdoors.

Membership Starts at Just $3.00/Month

Expresso Member

$ 3
  • Full access to our comprehensive Knowledge Base
  • Expert-curated content at your fingertips
  • Perfect for anyone looking to build a solid foundation of knowledge

Cloud 9 Member

$ 9
  • Access to Rich's Live Tech Talks
  • Expand your skills with valuable expert insights
  • Ideal for those who are ready to take the challenge to new heights

Instant Karma Member

$ 15
  • Personalized Coaching for accelerated growth
  • Accelerate skill development with tailored mentorship
  • For you who are serious about mastering canyoneering skills

Unbeatable Value for Serious Adventurers

Consider this: A single day of guided canyoneering often costs $200 or more. With our Instant Karma membership, you get a full month of expert knowledge, live sessions, and personal coaching for less than 10% of that price.

What you’re really getting:

  • Lifetime of expertise condensed into accessible resources
  • A supportive community of fellow adventurers
  • Safety knowledge that could save lives
  • Advanced skills for a lifetime of thrilling adventures in breathtaking locations that average adventurers can’t access

… All of that for just a mere $0.50 a day, which is an absolute steal.

We could easily charge $50+ for this value, but that’s not our style. We’re building a community, not a cash machine. Our goal is to make our community and all the valuable resources inside accessible to everyone who’s serious about it.

So, ready to transform your outdoor experiences with us? Join today and start your journey to becoming safe, proficient, and self-reliant for canyoneering, rappelling, and climbing adventures!

Gain Lifetime Access to Instant Karma Membership 
with a Single Payment

If you’re serious about growing your outdoor skills and ready to commit to long-time learning, then join our Canyoneering Karma Patron Membership.

This gives you LIFETIME access to all the benefits of Instant Karma Member for a single payment of just $250.

PLUS, you’ll also get:

  • The Canyoneering Karma Passport: A beautifully designed “adventure logbook” that includes pages for recording your canyoneering accomplishments
  • Deep Discounts on Hands-On Training Courses: You’ll save significantly, potentially covering the cost of your investment with just one course.